Monday, December 28, 2009

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't

I got a message from my friends on myspace that they got a blank comment from me. But I didn't send them a comment. i hadn't even looked on they're page for a while. One of them suggested that someone got my password and has hacked onto my myspace page. But I know that is not true because I haven't given my myspace password to anyone! I know that for a fact. But if for some bizarre it is true I changed my password. Will that make it stop? And what really caused it in the first place? keep in mind it wasn't all of my friends on myspace that got a plank comment just some. Thanks for your help:)

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

wrong. someone could and probably did hack your page. they don't need your password or email address. they simply make a fake myspace login page and when you sign into that page they have your login info.

so yes someone hacked you page and yes change your password you might have to change it often though because once they do it to you they'll keep doing to to you.

when it asks you to login make sure it says login.myspace

or otherwise DON'T type in your login info.

best of luck

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

Theres this site that looks just like myspace so when you login they steal your details, maybe someone has hacked into your computer?

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

well you get hacked when you type in your password when it says you must be logged in to do that.

my suggestion would be to tell your friend to get a new password.

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

when you go to sleep your soul leaves your body to have fun, sometimes they go on your computer leaving blank comments, thats why ghosts only appear at night

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

get a new myspace,you probably got it soon b4 more stuff happens

What does it mean if your friends on myspace are getting blank comments from you but you didn't send them?

you may have accidentally logged in to a "fake" log in page. so just change your password.

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