Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How can i read someones myspace messages?

I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. I know most of you would probably say if i have any doubts to go ahead and drop him, but a part of me still thinks hes not. If he is I'm prepared to know. Please help me! If anyone knows how to hack a myspace and get a password that would be GREAT too. thanks bunches

How can i read someones myspace messages?

A little unrelated answer...

If you trust him so little that you feel you need to hack into his myspace and read his personal messages, the relationship is doomed. And, getting into his myspace is a moot point.

How can i read someones myspace messages?

haha i think thats so funny i hope you bust him, im sorry i cant help...

How can i read someones myspace messages?

Instead of hacking into something that is his personally, why don't you just ask him. You wouldn't like it if he broke into your's. Anyways, to save more heartache then your all ready feeling, I think you should just leave it alone. If he can't be honest with you, then you shouldn't be together, if you have doubts.

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