i never hates anyone on myspace nor hold grudge against them
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
Do you leave your computer on all the time? If you do, its possible he first hacks into your PC, looks at your wordpad file (if you write your passwords on a file), then goes into your Myspace already knowing what the password is. You need to either turn off the PC, or disconnect its internet connection when you leave the room. You can also save your passwords on a floppy disk (or memory stick), then take this out before getting up to step away from your PC. If he's hacking into your Myspace, you're using easy-2-remember passwords. You need to use a long password, like combining your drivers license, birth date, and some other info. For example, if your maiden name was Gomez, and your drivers license number was X12345, and your birth date was 12/25/1988;; then your password could be (first name)X12345Gomez12251988. That's at least 20 characters long, and if he still figures out your password, you should consider that maybe, its not a hacker. It could be a family member, or someone else who has access to your PC, or your notes of where you write down your passwords, and this person is passing this info to someone else.
You should also run a virus scan on your PC to make sure you don't have spyware virus on it. This virus records your keyboard keystrokes, then sends the info every few minutes while you're online. One clue to let you know something is going on (possible virus), is the hard drive light comes on, and you haven't done anything but read something on your screen. Or you're busy typing away, then the hard drive light comes on to indicate something is running in the back. You had not uploaded or downloaded anything, yet the hard drive is busy doing something. It could be a spyware sending confidential info (like your keyboard strokes) over the internet. The spyware is uploading any data you've updated since you logged on, and it keeps doing this every few minutes while you're online.
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
change your password before they do.
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
just change your password duh
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
well change the password.
if that doesnt work, make a new one and if u can delete the old one.
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
Change you're password to something HARD!
mark it in notepad or wordpad so you'll remember.
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
hurry and go change your password.they will keep on hacking or they might even change your pass!GO NOW!
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
you need to get hold of myspace customer support, the police can also help and your service provider can.
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
Yahoo Customer Service:
Phone: 1-866-562-7219
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
change your password:
1. go to your myspace home page
2. click edit profile
3. click on account settings in the top right cornerish
4. near the top you should see password
5. and its pertty self explanitory form there
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
change your password, then stop clicking on all those crap advertisements that come up. they usually take you to a fake login page that looks like genuine myspace, but is really a completely different site that saves your info for use by spammers.
edit: actually it sounds like they may have installed a keylogger, a kind of spyware that watches what keys you press and then sends a record to the hacker. try spyware scanning, though it is possible it might not actually count as spyware. if it doesnt show up, press ctrl+alt+del, go to processes, and look for anything running under a username (not SYSTEM) that might be it. my legit keylogger that i bought runs under the name "winlogon", so yeah its not necessarily gonna be anything obvious
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
close the account and make a new one w/ diff. password
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
Change your password to something really hard, not just your name, or "password." Maybe a random letter/number combo?
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
change ya password to something long and hard to figure out or get...of course write it down so u can remember
HELP ! someone keeps on hacking my myspace profile and i dont know what to do !?
check and make sure that your email is correct.
and then pick a password that is harder to break.
it should have numbers AND letters both. and the less real words the better.
With darkhatthacker@gmail.com I got my husband iCloud email and password without trace or verifications thank you so much darkhatthacker@gmail.com.