my myspace has been hacked into yesterday, somebody got in and erased all my pictures and friend and wrote in my about me "your boyfriend is f****** ugly b****" they also deleted a few pages of messages. after this, I changed my password. this morning i went to login and it won't let me, they have changed my password and so when i went to sign into my yahoo e-mail, they hacked into that and changed my password as well. I really don't want them looking through my personal stuff, I have had that account for years and I have 3,000+ comments and 4,000+ messages. I have e-mailed Tom, but is there anything else?
My myspace was hacked, help!?
there isn't much else you can do, you have to let Tom take care of it, n the mean time just make a temporary one saying that your original had been hacked into and that they are impersonating you or being rude or whatever, just to let everyone kno that its not you. Sorry that happened, it sux. Hope Tom can fix it
My myspace was hacked, help!?
They most likely got in by exploiting an aspect of MySpace beyond your control or they in some way got your password (there are countless ways they could accomplish that). The only thing you can do now is contact MySpace. You may need to start over, sorry. If you do regain access to your account somehow, change your password using a different computer.
My myspace was hacked, help!?
drink a glass of water
My myspace was hacked, help!?
Learning how to make and use strong passwords may help.
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