Sunday, November 29, 2009

HELP!! Msn + myspace hacked, ip adress?


Someone knew my msn password, i dont know who.

They used that to "Request my password" from myspace.

They then logged into my acount and then changed everything.

Is there any smart way to find out who did this?

Like is there some sorta special program to find out the IP adress of the person who requested the email?

HELP!! Msn + myspace hacked, ip adress?

It would take a hacker to find out who is going on your myspace and msn. Now I am a hacker but im not the kind that does like criminal acts. I think you can check stay signed on and then if they say that someone has signed on go to your command promt. windows button + R and then type cmd. Then type netstat -n. There will be a number of ips dont talk to any1 when this happens find their ip and go to And then you can find out who they are. If you need help email me. I'll be glad to help.

HELP!! Msn + myspace hacked, ip adress?

Well, you could just request your password for msn and answer the security question. If he changed that, and all your details, like names and address, there's really not a lot you can do, since its a free service.

If you've got your emails back, you can request your myspace again. they'll have it on record everything that happened and was changed, they'll disable the account and get to grips with what happened.

Otherwise, only MSN has the ip address, and they wont give it to you.


Also, chances are who ever did it is running through a proxy and the ip you do get will be useless. Personally I'd figure out who would want to do it to you, an ex, a pissed off someone your know, and get them back.

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